What is Silver-ion?

How does it work?

The Science

Silver, submerged in water, reacts with dissolved oxygen, forming a slightly-soluble silver-oxide film which dissolves and produces a dilute 1,500 ppb aqueous silver-ion solution.

The use of silver in various forms for water treatment, wound and burn dressings, ointment for the eyes of newborns reach back to ancient times. Today, silver ions are incorporated in water purification, surgical bandages, sanitizers for pool and spa waters and fabrics and clothing which suppresses organismal growth and consequent odors. Clinical applications include acne treatment, oral rinses and vaginal douches.

Elemental silver metal, Ag, may be oxidized to silver ion, Ag+, the soluble, biologically- active species of the element. Silver ion solution is colorless, odorless, tasteless and non-toxic.

For decades, silver ion solutions have been thoroughly tested for safety by way of standardized acute toxicity protocols which are widely accepted among chemical, consumer goods and pharmaceutical industries and U. S. government agencies.

The Biology

Silver ions kill microbes by:

  1. Destroying cell wall lipoproteins,
  2. Inhibiting enzymes necessary for respiration,
  3. Binding to microbial DNA and ending replication.

Home Uses

  • Hand sanitizer
  • Shoe sanitizing
  • Toy sanitizing
  • Kitchen & bath fixture sanitizing
  • Cutting board sanitizing
  • Wound care
  • Pet “accidents” after clean-up
  • Shower curtains, doors, grout
  • Acne
  • Waste baskets, diaper pails

Lifestyle Uses

  • Face mask sanitizing
  • Sport gear sanitizing
  • Rental car sanitizing
  • Hotel room sanitizing
  • Restaurant surfaces sanitizing
  • Office desk sanitizing
  • Public restroom sanitizing
  • Airplane surfaces sanitizing

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn How it Works!

How long does 1 bottle last?

Hundreds of refills.

Is it safe?

It is completely safe to handle, but destroys all known bacteria, fungi and viruses

Does it smell?

Silver ion solution is colorless, odorless, tasteless and non-toxic.

Do you offer wholesale?

Absolutely, give us a call and we can discuss pricing and quantity.